Friday, August 29, 2008

New superhero

Yesterday the teacher gave us the assignment to create our own superhero in groups of two the same way we made our first one. Peicing together everything from different pictures. And create a history for our superhero.

Charlie and I were like, "You wanna?" "Ok, why not."

He came up with the idea for a little girl who was really smart in a big dirty city. It's very modern and different than whay you might think of a superhero. The picture of the girl we found was in black and white so we decided to put all of the pictures we used in greyscale. Gave her a stack of books and then we thought to give her some wilted lilies because lilies symbolize purity- wilted lilies not so pure.

We only had an hour so we didn't get very far. Most of the picture is done but we still have to come up with a name and background. I don't know how much time the teacher's going to give us next class. . .

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Second day on the new blog. . .

I guess I can put up what I did last class.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
