Monday, September 29, 2008

Self portrait take 2

Project assignment: Creat a self portrait that syas something about yourself, either in photo manupulation or painting (or something like that).

I started with the music note that I found online. I croped it and put it on a new canvas, and resized it. I drew myself in my sketchbook and photoed it. Once it was in photoshop I outlined it black, got rid of the pencil photo, and put it on the same canvas as the note. I colored it there. Last thing was the background. I found a stock photo of sheet music and blured it and then did a dry brush filter. Added a little shadow for interest.

Why did I choose music? I loooooooove music. I love playing it, and listening to it. Almost any kind of music will do if I can sing along or dance to it. I hate sitting around in silence so I am constantly listening to something: the radio, cds, music on my computer, my mp3 player, even my records. Sometimes it's an escape if I dont want to think about something, I just turn on some distracting music. It makes the time go by faster or if I'm in a certain mood it helps me get in or out of a funk.

When I'm playing music and I'm doing it well I get this fantastic feeling that I can do anything. I might not be the best but I love my viola and the piano. When I listen to other people play and I know they love what they do I feel like a have a connection to those people because we get the same feeling playing music.

I could probably go on forever about music but I'll stop here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today we learned about painting in Photoshop. We had to do a self portrait in pencil, scan it, ad paint over it in Photoshop. Thankfully, my friend Erin showed me how to us photoshop a couple of days ago so I've been doing this before we did it in class. The way I did it was different then the way the teacher showed the class.

The skin color's a little off I think but I tried to blend it like you would with oil paints. Blue then yellow then red. I think it looks good for my first try.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Shopping Trip

The title for my photo essay is Shopping Trip.

With the first photo selected the background and blurred it and used the artist tool and cubed it also. It would seem she doesn't like the way it looks in here.

This one didn't turn out like I wanted . . . I wanted to make the book glow and the background be dark but I couldn't find the tools on GIMP. I felt like I was going around in circles.

I cropped the side of this one to make it more visually interesting. And gave it a newspaper filter. HEADLINES READ "GIRL LOST IN STORE!!!"

The last picture I selected the background and downed the brightness and some of the contrast. This gives the foreground more attention. I think she's found what she was looking for.

I feel like the program restricted what I wanted to do with the photos and my lack of knowledge with computer programs didn't help much either.

Photoessay- pre-edit

I picked four photos for my photoessay thing. These are before I edit them.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Charlie Dragin'

We did some photo editing in class. Took a picture and played around with it.

Poor Charlie was my victim and I didn't know what o do with hi so a dragged him up a bit. Haha. I'll make another post about how I did it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The finished project of our "superhero".

Her name is Katerina. She lived in the big, dirty city as an innocent girl. She decided one day to go on a journey to find out about life. She ends up learning about many things through the books that she collects and this helps her deal with life in the city. She ends up losing her innocents as well. Katerina becomes distant and disenchanted with the people and the city that she lives in but she decides to stay there.

Coming along.

Sitting in class developing the "superhero" character. She has a name- Katerina. And a purpose. Charlie and I are putting together a comic strip for her now. I'll be posting all of the pictures soon.

Oh, and we have to do a presentation on our superhero too. Haha. . . not I.